Hardbody Stock 12t A-Main Results [M1 Race #6]
Hardbody Stock 12t A-Main
Round: Main Events
Length: 6:00 Timed
Pos Driver Qual Laps/Time Behind Fastest Lap Avg Lap Avg Top 5 Avg Top 10 Avg Top 15 Top 3 Consecutive Std. Deviation Consistency
Pos Driver Qual Laps/Time Behind Fastest Lap Avg Lap Avg Top 5 Avg Top 10 Avg Top 15 Top 3 Consecutive Std. Deviation Consistency
1 1 STAN
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1 51/6:01.645 6.841 7.060 6.851 6.889 6.921 20.596 0.12 98.29%
2 4 ANDY
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4 50/6:01.138 1 Lap 6.854 7.175 6.909 6.925 6.939 20.731 0.40 94.40%
3 2 JOHN C
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2 50/6:05.638 4.500 6.696 7.281 6.783 6.833 6.867 20.594 0.86 88.23%
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3 50/6:06.140 0.502 6.786 7.286 6.855 6.886 6.908 20.694 0.56 92.35%
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5 47/6:07.820 3 Laps 7.162 7.767 7.211 7.257 7.292 21.933 0.79 89.80%
Race Video(s)

The (RVA) Race Video Archive is available to Bonus Lap members.

Lap-by-Lap Position Graph
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