Hardbody Stock 10t A-Main Results [M1 Race #4]
Hardbody Stock 10t A-Main
Round: Main Events
Length: 5:00 Timed
Pos Driver Qual Laps/Time Behind Fastest Lap Avg Lap Avg Top 5 Avg Top 10 Avg Top 15 Top 3 Consecutive Std. Deviation Consistency
Pos Driver Qual Laps/Time Behind Fastest Lap Avg Lap Avg Top 5 Avg Top 10 Avg Top 15 Top 3 Consecutive Std. Deviation Consistency
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2 39/5:00.530 7.096 7.645 7.180 7.233 7.280 21.796 0.81 89.39%
2 1 JOHN C
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1 39/5:03.733 3.203 7.074 7.743 7.103 7.166 7.217 21.239 1.05 86.42%
3 3 NATE
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3 34/5:05.719 5 Laps 7.773 8.776 7.948 8.049 8.119 24.019 1.06 87.91%
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4 17/3:39.567 17 Laps 7.983 12.964 8.061 8.474 10.399 24.376 10.45 19.36%
Race Video(s)

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Lap-by-Lap Position Graph
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